This Saturday, at 5 o'clock in the night morning I woke up, jumped into my clothes and rushed to Ghent to catch my 6:24 train to Brussels, totally ready for Regent Tweet 2013! Arrived in Brussels, we were warmly welcomed by Jasmien from the Eurostar PR Team. When the complete group was present, we were lead to the Eurostar bussiness lounge where we could enjoy a quick breakfast and pick out some reading for our trip (feeling like a star du-uh)
Reizen met de Eurostar is helemaal mijn ding. Comfortabel een boekje lezen, roddelen met de andere bloggers, iPhone opladen, foto's nemen, gezellig ontbijten; in no time was de treinreis voorbij. I could get used to this!
Travelling by Eurostar is totally my cup of tea. Reading a magazine comfortably, gossiping with the other bloggers, charging iPhones, taking pictures, enjoying breakfast; the trip was over in no time. I could get used to this!

Na een superplezante treinreis (thanks Grietje, Eline, Inge en Cindy, Anouk en Phil) kwamen we eindelijk aan op onze bestemming: St Pancras! "We're in London, we're in London, whoop whoop!" Vreugde alom bij de Belgische bloggers! Volgende uitdaging: met de metro naar ons base camp in Regent Street: the Living Room W1 waar we iPhones konden opladen, onze totebag met alle informatie konden ophalen en iets konden drinken.
After an incredibly pleasant trip (thanks Grietje, Eline, Inge, Cindy, Anouk en Phil) we arrived at our destination: St Pancras! "We're in London, we're in London, whoop whoop!" Happiness among the Belgian bloggers! Next challenge: taking the metro to our base camp in Regent Street: the Living Room W1 where we could charge our phones, get our totebag with all the information and get a drink.

De droom van elk meisje is toch wel een hele dag shoppen met voordelen en goodiebags verzamelen? Wel, dat is precies wat wij deden op Regent Street! We hopten van de ene winkel naar de andere en ontdekten zo een hele boel leuke nieuwe merken! (En stiekem konden we het toch niet laten om ook een bezoek te brengen aan Topshop, Primark en &Other Stories, ookal stond dat niet op ons lijstje, sssssstttt!)
Isn't it the dream of every girl to shop with discount and collect goodiebags? Well, that's exactly what we did on Regent Street! We hopped from one shop to another and discovered in that way a lot of lovely new brands! (And secretly we could not resist visiting Topshop, Primark and &Other Stories, even though they were not included in the list, sssssstttt!)

When in London, you MUST visit Liberty's! That's what they had said to me. And it wás worth the effort: 4 floors filled with luxury products! From NARS to REN to KENZO. Definitely a must-visit!
Na een shoppingtrip van jewelste was het tijd om onze maagjes te gaan vullen bij MASH, een top steak restaurant in een van de zijstraten van Regent Street. Het personeel was vriendelijk en het eten verrukkelijk. Zelfs de toiletten waren fancy! We waren weer helemaal klaar om onze schattenjacht verder te zetten!
After a tremendous shopping trip it was time to fill our bellies at MASH, a top steak restaurant in one of the side-streets of Regent Street. The staff was friendly en the food was delicious. Even the restroom was fancy! We were totally ready to continue our treasure hunting!
After a day full of tweeting, shopping and enjoying we returned back home with a bunch of bags. (More about that soon!!) It was an incredible experience and I hope to be present again next year!
Thanks again to the Regent Tweet team, Sister PR, Eurostar UK and Jasmien and all the participating stores. Hope to see you again soon!