If there is one thing you can be sure about, sweet reader, it's that I spent the previous weeks several hours and hours in shops stuffed with sales rails. From Antwerp to Ghent to Bruges, from H&M to Forever 21 to Mango, I know every single piece of clothing, I have had every dress, every skirt in my hands, and crazy enough, I didn't buy a thing. Nothing?! I can hear you think. Allright, that one shoppingtrip to the Meir delivered quite some stuff, but overall I have been good and left the money where it belongs - in my wallet. I have to save some money, a huge amount of money - my laptop is about dying and I really need a new one at the beginning of next semester. But as I said, I have been a good sister and supported my mini me Louise in all of her shopping trips. Normally I swear by an easy jeans and tshirt when I go out shopping - just to avoid myself some frustrations in the fittingrooms - but because it was so hot I wanted something cooler. This playsuit from Etam is a perfect solution to that. Só comfy! One little minus? It asks for a stick on bra, and let me be a real stick on bra hater. But yeah, the result is fine, and that's the most important thing! xo
I am wearing: Etam playsuit, H&M birks, H&M bag.