3 februari 2013


Hi girls!
Since I discovered Lush Ghent, I'm kind of addicted to this shop! A few days ago I jumped in during my exams and scored this snow white ballistic and face toner. 

Bubble Ball: Blanche comme Neige 

The ballistic Blanche Comme Neige does not bubble but just melts down softly while giving  your bath water a silky touch and a sweet apple scent. Unfortunately the odour slightly disappears and is totally gone after about 20 minutes. It is definitely not my favorite Lush product but it caused my relaxing bath adventure a delicious smell, so I'm happy!
Blanche comme Neige was a Christmas special so is now out of order. Fortunately there is a whole range of other ballistics that have more or less the same effect. Click here to see the complete Bath Bombs offer.

Face TonerBreath Of Fresh Air 

During the exams I had to study upstairs in my room to have as less noise as possible around me. This meant that I had to study in a fairly dry air coming from my radiator. After a few days my skin felt dry as well and had a red shine. The Breath Of Fresh Air Toner is originally meant to feed a skin that is often exposed to air conditioning but is also very effective for a skin that is exposed to dry air, just like mine!
Its use is very simple, you just have to spray the toner on a wad of cotton wool and rub it on your face. The toner removes impurities and feeds the skin. After two days my skin felt soft again! The scent is very fine and the skin absorbs the spray immediately, definitely a recommendation!

Just wanted to share this with you: I like this sticker soooo much! It tells you who made your product. It is so personal!
